Thursday, November 10, 2022


 Guest Photographer:  Diana Burton

Diana was first a friend when I lived in Northport.  She and her husband Don moved to Traverse City this summer and it’s great to have good photography buddies right here in town.

Diana Burton:  The pictures in this blog are some of my favorite photos from living in Leelanau County. Many were taken with my iPhone. When I met my new husband, Don, he was a photographer and let me use his camera. He taught me how to use his Macro lens. I enjoy taking close-up photos. 

This was picture taken on M204 near Lake Leelanau. It reminded me of emerging hope.

I fell in love with taking pictures of fungi while hiking through Leelanau State Park. This picture was on a trail in Cherry Homes. 

A hawk weed that grew next to my home in Cherry Homes. I love the vibrant color. 


 This is one of the first pictures I took with Macro lens. We were on the Tart Trail south of Sutton’s Bay. This was a wild grape vine wrapped around a small tree. 


 This thistle picture was taken with the Macro lens at the Grand Traverse Light House.


 This photo was taken at the Grand Traverse Light House with a Macro Lens

A local farmer allowed my friends and I to pick some of his cherries. The morning dew was still present on the cherries. 

A fall leaf found on a daily walk. I loved the reds!

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