Thursday, February 23, 2023



 I’d gotten Audubon e-bird alerts that Double-Crested Cormorants had been sighted at both Clinch Park and Logan’s Landing.  I hadn’t spotted them either place, however, probably because I was limited by shooting from my car.  So I left Gracie home and started out for both places. 


 At the marina, I immediately spotted a cormorant on one of the mooring posts.  Every other post was occupied by a seagull.


 The bird was focused on its feet and I wondered if it had a fish there.  As I parked my car and began to exit, the cormorant flew off.  Ugh.  It didn’t come back so I headed to Logan’s Landing.


 I immediately spotted two cormorants at the far end of Boardman Lake Cove.  I was excited to get their pictures but moreover to be able to walk the entire length of the boardwalk bridge without using a cane.  My new knees work great!


 One bird stood on a rock, its wings fully extended to show off its 50+ inches of span.


 I was struck by the seabird’s hooked bill and its large webbed feet.


 I love the moment when birds find out I’m there, hanging over the boardwalk rail, taking their pictures and they stare straight on at me.


 I was hoping the cormorant would dive for food or would fly, but it mostly extended its beautiful wings.  I learned they perch to dry their wings after eating, even if they’ve not gotten wet.  Too bad I missed the meal.

Thursday, February 16, 2023


  I hadn’t seen a Snowy Owl since December 21, even though I’d visited their TC area haunts several times a week.

Then the last day of January. I spotted this Snowy tucked in an evergreen tree.  It didn’t move for the longest time.  I assumed it was asleep so I eventually moved on.


 I returned the next day and spotted the owl near the corner of this building.  It looked fully rested, its yellow eye trained on me below.


 The Snowy swiveled its head often, searching the grounds for prey.  Love that expression!  Almost a smile.


 The owl’s head drooped a bit and it’s foot came up.  I thought it was scratching an itch at first, although I couldn’t image what that must’ve felt like with those talons.


 It wasn’t an itch, though.  The owl had fallen asleep.


 Yep, Sleeping Beauty was out cold.


 After a few minutes, the Snowy jerked her head up, but she didn’t appear to be fully awake.


 A few seconds later, her eyes closed again and she was sound asleep.


 I waited her out this time, though, wanting to get another of those eyes-wide-open shots.

Thursday, February 9, 2023



It had started to snow so Gracie and I were heading home after not seeing much that afternoon.  No Snowy Owls,  And a juvenile Bald Eagle too far away to capture.


 And then I spotted this Rough-legged Hawk in a tree top.  It’s always exciting to see this breed because they’re only here in the winter.  But, with the snow and poor light, the hawk appeared as monochromatic as the landscape so we moved on.

A few days later, I returned to the same area and found the hawk across the street atop a power pole.  Unfortunately, it was still a gray sky day.


The hawk stood up so I could see its legs, feathered all the way to its toes.  Only three raptors have that feature. 


I thought it was ready to bolt when it stood.  Turns out, it had other “business” to take care of.  OMG!  And in public!


The next day was perfect for picture-taking with lots of blue skies and sunshine so I headed out again.  I immediately spotted the Rough-legged on another pole.  It didn’t perch for long, though, preferring to soar in the beautiful sky.


 I clicked away as the hawk flight dazzled me.  Powerful wing flaps led to beautiful glides.


The hawk eventually flew out of my range, but not until it gave me a thrilling photoshoot.   It doesn’t get much better than this.


Yesterday was another beautiful day and I headed out once again.  I immediately saw three hawks in the same area as previously.  Two were on power poles, but the third was atop a tall, broken off tree stump.

 It was exciting for me to photograph this hawk in good sunlight and capture the bird’s true colors.  Also nice to capture it in a more natural environment. 

Thursday, February 2, 2023



Some are frozen over.  Others still have open water.  Most are nearly monochromatic, but a few, like the marsh on Hency Road, are vibrant with color.  All are pretty this time of year.