Sunday, May 11, 2014

Spring Emerges....Ever So Slowly


  1. Oh, beautiful, beautiful, the miracle happening once more!

  2. Last year, I took a picture of one of the trillium in front of our house on May 9th. It was in full bloom. At the moment, our trillium are just beginning to bloom and appear stunted. Still, I am thankful to view green in places that were white for so long and to again see gorgeous spring flowers. Thanks for this beautiful bouquet, Karen!

  3. Jan...I always appreciate your comments and insights. Your trillium picture taken on May 9th last year is a concrete example of how slow spring has been in emerging this year. Usually we shoot cherry blossoms around Mother's Day and here it is Memorial Weekend and the cherries are just starting to bloom. One thing for sure, we can never really depend on the weather being the same every year.
