Thursday, September 2, 2021



A couple of my favorite, late summer flowers are in bloom right now:  the Hibiscus and the Rose of Sharon.  I recently learned they are from the same family.  They have large showy flowers in a variety of colors.  I often go on my photoshoots in the early evening, but I’ve discovered that isn’t the best time to shoot hibiscus.  They have an inborn circadian rhythm where they open their flowers during the day and then close them at night.  Unfortunately, I was catching them as they started to close.  The last five images are of the deep pink Rose of Sharon bush in my own yard.  It’s only in its second season but its full of blossoms and buds.  The hummers and bumble bees also favor its flowers.







  1. Wow! Gorgeous Hibiscus portraits, Karen! Love your glorious Rose of Sharon, too!

  2. Thanks, Jan. I think my Rose of Sharon must have a hundred blossoms right now...and plenty of bees.
