Thursday, March 6, 2025


I’d already begun taking winter pictures of area marinas when The Ticker ran an article on the long wait lists for slips in Elk Rapids, Traverse City, and Suttons Bay.  For some the wait can be from five to fifteen years.  The article didn’t mention the wait time for the Northport marina but I don’t think there’s a more beautiful place to dock your boat.  

Monday, March 3, 2025


I returned to Kingsley farm country in search of wildlife.  I’ve seen Sandhill Cranes there as early as March 3rd so I was hopeful.  I saw this doe standing on a hillside.  She let me come close and we engaged in a long stare down.  Finally, she turned and ambled back into the woods, giving me only a slight flick of that beautiful white tail.

Thursday, February 27, 2025



Even though Kingsley farm country is one my favorite places to take pictures, I haven’t been there in the New Year.  Saturday was sunny so I headed out, hoping to find eagles or hawks.  I didn’t see any critters, but the place was buried in snow, making for some pretty landscapes.  I’d captured some of these same scenes in other seasons, but somehow the snow makes everything different.

Monday, February 24, 2025


 On Friday, I watched a couple swans skid across the East Bay ice as I headed north along U.S. 31.  The whole way it appeared the bay was frozen but when I reached Elk Rapids, I saw open water.  When I returned to Traverse City later that afternoon, I drove to Clinch Park to check out West Bay.  It appeared frozen too with beautiful patterns woven in the ice and snow.  When I reached Greilickville, though, the water was open.  I don’t think we’re gonna have a bay freeze this winter. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025


Constant snowfall has made it a tough week for getting outdoors to take pictures.  I’ve been at work indoors, though, sorting clothing and kitchen items for donation.  My big dilemma is how to pare down my Croc collection.  Phil Garrison captured me in my first pair of orange crocs as I pointed out landmarks at Sleeping Bear Dunes in April of 2015.  Since then, the number of crocs in my closet has only grown.  My signature go-to tie-dies.  My fuzzy lined crocs.  My summer collection.  Yeah, getting back out in the fresh air may adjust my priorities.  I think cabin fever has begun to addle my brain.  


Monday, February 17, 2025


They come every February, these black-masked Cedar Waxwings with their yellow-tipped tails.  The small flock spends the day feeding on my crabapple tree.  Before the day is done, they’ve picked it clean of fruit.  Watching them eye and stuff the apple berries in their mouths is a delight.

Thursday, February 13, 2025


Even though we’ve been under another Winter Weather Advisory, I’m heartened by the longer days and sprinkles of sunshine that brighten our spirits.  Dare I say winter is winding down? 


Monday, February 10, 2025


Friday afternoon, I discovered all kinds of waterfowl bobbing and diving on West Bay.  Despite the variety of breeds, my favorite shots were of a mallard pair flying in to feed on the seed dropped at Clinch Park Marina.  They’ve learned where to get their bread buttered.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Monday, February 3, 2025


Unable to resist the beautiful day, friends Don and Diana Burton and I headed to the Lakeshore on Saturday morning.  We started at the Platte River and Platte Point, moved on to Point Betsie, and finished at the Frankfort beach.  Even though it was only 16 degrees, it felt wonderful to be outdoors and let the sun warm out winter-weary souls.