Monday, July 29, 2024


I recently discovered a second pair of sandhill cranes with a young colt.  They were grazing in a field of wildflowers outside Kingsley.  The youngster was so cute.  A few days later I returned and watched them feeding in a deep hay field across the street. The colt was in nearly over its head and had begun to squawk.


Thursday, July 25, 2024



And it's arriving at your nearest fruit stand and grocery store soon.

Monday, July 22, 2024



My friends Don, Diana, and I headed to Sleeping Bear for our next picture-taking adventure.  We started out at Glen Haven Beach, my favorite of all the Lakeshore beaches.  Next we headed to Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive.  We’d all driven it many times but it still takes our breath away.  We moved from overlook to overlook, snapping pictures, enjoying the beautiful day and each other’s company.

Thursday, July 18, 2024


The New York Times recently ran an article 6 Beaches to Love This July 4 (and All Summer Long) and Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore was on the list!  They highlighted Esch Road beach and the Dune Climb.  They even described Lake Michigan as endless as an ocean.  The article sent me to the Lakeshore wanting to explore someplace place new.  I ended up at Peterson Road Beach on Platte Bay.  Even though I drove in during a  downpour, the dirt road to the beach was scenic with woods and wetlands along the way.  When I arrived, I had the place to myself.  I loved how “dunesy” it felt.  Views of Platte Point were to the south and Empire Bluffs and Sleeping Bear to the north.  It would’ve been a great place for a solitary walk, but the trek to the beach was difficult.  The narrow pathway had an open boardwalk that was partly buried in sand, making it hard to tell what was sand and what was boardwalk.  Still, it was fun exploring a new place.

Monday, July 15, 2024



Beauty blooms, even during hard times.  Take comfort.

Thursday, July 11, 2024


I saw this beautiful ruffled grouse by the roadside and pulled over to watch and take pictures.  She stood there motionless until her side feathers began to quiver.  Out popped four little chicks who’d  been hiding under her wings.  Mom immediately headed into the woods.  The babies sat there a a bit, then followed.  Ahhh, nature.

Monday, July 8, 2024


Fields of golden wheat swaying in the breeze are one of my favorite summer scenes.  After farmers harvest the crop, the vistas change to hay bales, another scene I enjoy photographing.

Thursday, July 4, 2024


 I was out shooting in farm country and spotted a bald eagle perched on this metal barn.  It was the second time I’d seen an eagle there.  I watched for about twenty minutes hoping to catch it in flight but all it did was swivel its head and watch out over the land.  Thought today was the perfect time to post pictures of America’s bird, plus a few other holiday doodads.

Monday, July 1, 2024



There’s always something to see.