That describes both the weather and the pictures for today’s post. I was out last week in sunshine, rain, and snow trying my new camera system in all kinds of light and with a variety of subjects. So far, I’m delighted with the results. It’s a keeper.
Karen Casebeer Photography
Images from around Northern Michigan
Monday, March 24, 2025
Thursday, March 20, 2025
And so have the Sandhill Cranes. Five of them came to their regular spot to feed on the corn dregs. I tried to figure out the family units. Was the foursome the parents and last year’s twins, plus a singleton? Or did the five include the parents with one colt plus a non-breeding pair? When they joined voices in their rattling, bugle call, I left them to their feeding. So good to see they’ve safely returned.
Monday, March 17, 2025
My friends Diana and Don are both cripped up with broken ankles. She is wheelchair-bound, but he is more mobile with a walking cast. I picked him up Friday afternoon, and we headed to the Lakeshore. The weather was partly sunny, somewhat hazy, and in the low 70s, a day meant to be spent outdoors. With the car windows down, we drove between Empire and Glen Haven, telling stories and snapping pictures of the beach and dunes. And then Sunday arrived, bringing back winter. You know how March is, don’t you?
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Monday, March 10, 2025
I saw two Bald Eagles in a tree near Kingsley farm country. They weren’t very active, mostly just looking around for prey. It’s always exciting, though, to see these majestic birds. No Sandhill Cranes yet.