Saturday, January 3, 2015

A Little More Snow


  1. That first image is a stunner, Karen. Snow is coming down thickly as I type this....

  2. Thanks, Pamela. And the snow has continued to fall since you wrote. I guess "real" winter is here.

  3. I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing evergreens with snow on the limbs. I also like the first one and how the needles of the pine stand out so sharply against the background of snow. Gives the picture a sense of softness in my mind.

    1. Yes, I enjoy seeing evergreens with snowy limbs too. My backyard is surrounded by hemlocks so I get to see that scene often. But I enjoyed this delicate little pine also. When I took this photo, I had no idea it would become my favorite, as well as the favorite of others.

  4. Yes, the snow has continued to fall, along with the temperature!! I like the snow in your photos much better than I do in our driveway. My favorites are #'s 1 and 5; but, to my eye, they are all beautiful winter images, Karen.

    1. Thanks, Jan. I have to agree about liking the snow on the limbs vs. the driveway. When I was taking the photos, I thought #3 with its dramatic pattern would be my favorite, but #1 turned out to be the one I liked best.
