Saturday, January 18, 2014

Winter's Beauty

After another week of heavy snow, I set out to see what new beauty winter had brought those of us living in the North Country.

An ice shelf and mini-caves have begun to form along the shoreline of the Bight.

Chunks of ice float along the shoreline in what open water is left.

Oops!  Not chunks of ice, but swans diving for their sustenance.

In the Village, Northport Creek flows toward the bay.

And ducks of all kinds congregate in a basin near the marina.

But outside of town, snowy hills remain pure from human tresspass.

Orchards, in still repose, await their winter pruning, a first step towards spring.

All is quiet and peaceful.


  1. Really beautiful, Karen! North Shore on top? Those ducks must have a fine layer of fat to keep them comfortable on the cold creek this time of year. I keep looking from the last to the third from the bottom, comparing them. The last one has a very serene simplicity.

  2. Thanks, Pamela. Nope the top is South Shore, just off the Bight. Those bottom two that you referenced were my favorites. I love your description of serene simplicity! It was quite mesmerizing to see these hills without any kind of tracks. And the curves of the hills were quite sensuous. Not sure I completely captured that, but it's what I saw. Karen

  3. Beautiful captures, Karen! I enjoyed the humor in the shots of the swans. I really like the compo and light in the shot of Northport Creek; and agree with you and Pamela about the beauty of the pristine hills in the last three shots. (Where are the deer?!)

  4. Thanks, Jan. I have another deer post that's almost ready, but I wasn't sure if I was overdoing the deer shots. Have another in the works so I'm not sure which will be first. Karen
