Thursday, March 6, 2025


I’d already begun taking winter pictures of area marinas when The Ticker ran an article on the long wait lists for slips in Elk Rapids, Traverse City, and Suttons Bay.  For some the wait can be from five to fifteen years.  The article didn’t mention the wait time for the Northport marina but I don’t think there’s a more beautiful place to dock your boat.  


  1. A marina is so different in the winter, isn't it? Back in 2008, when Northport was in the doldrums, a newspaper article included a photograph of our "empty" marina. It was WINTER! Your images, however, are lovely, as always, Karen.

  2. Thanks, Pamela. Yes, the marinas are very different in winter. It was their stark beauty that drew me. I noticed we took similar pictures of the gazebo in our marina. Love the reds.
