Monday, September 16, 2024

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Monday, September 9, 2024


  I hadn’t seen a hawk close enough to photograph all summer, so when I saw this beauty along US-31 north I pulled off the highway into a ditch to take pictures.  It posed, flew so I could get its tail, then returned to the wire.  I was surprised when a good neighbor pulled up next to my Subaru to ask if I was okay.  Thank you, but doesn’t everyone take pictures from a ditch?

Thursday, September 5, 2024



Remember these twin sandhill crane colts I photographed in June when they were only a month old?  After those first few sightings, I hadn’t seen them again until last week when I spotted them in a field striding and eating.  I didn’t stay long but I was happy to see they had grown and survived the challenges that nature and predators can bring.

Monday, September 2, 2024



It doesn’t matter that I’ve been retired from my first career as a high school Latin and English teacher for over thirty years.  I still get that back-to-school feeling this time of year.  It sent me out to take pictures of old schoolhouses all over our area.  Most have been repurposed, but some stand abandoned.  Then I saw the neglected school bus and added it too.